роЖроЪிро░ிропро░்роХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роЕро░роЪு роКро┤ிропро░்роХро│ிрой் ро╡ிроЯுрок்рокு рооுродро▓் Pay slip ро╡ро░ை роЕройைрод்родு рокрогி рокро▓рой்роХро│ைропுроо் рокெро▒ுро╡родро▒்роХாрой роТро░ே App-роХро│роЮ்роЪிропроо் роЪெропро▓ி родро▒்рокோродு роЕро▒ிрооுроХроо் роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு.
IT роЗрои்род рооாродроо் 10 роЖроо் родேродிроХ்роХுро│் роЕро╡ро░்роХро│் роЕродாро╡родு employee log in ро╡ро┤ிропாроХ old regime or New regime роОрой்рокродை choose роЪெроп்роп ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роЕрок்рокроЯி роЪெроп்ропுроо் рокроЯ்роЪрод்родிро▓் system роЕродுро╡ே employee роХ்роХு роОро╡்ро╡ро│ро╡ு роРроЯி ро╡ро░ுроо் роОрой்ро▒ு рооாродроо் рооாродроо் рокிроЯிрод்родு роХொро│்ро│ுроо் роЕродை роироо்рооாро▓் рооாро▒்ро▒ рооுроЯிропாродு
роиாроо் роХொроЯுроХ்роХா ро╡ிроЯ்роЯாро▓் роЕродுро╡ே роиிропூ regime роОрой்ро▒ு роОроЯுрод்родு роХொрог்роЯு рокிроЯிрод்родроо் рооேро▒்роХொро│்ро│ுроо்.
Dear All,
As instructed by CTA/eTeam, the option to declare the Income Tax savings plan has been enabled in the system. It is available for both Employees and Pensioners. This option is also available to DDOs to declare the savings details on behalf of the employee. Pensioners will get a bulk sms to declare the tax plan for the FY2024-25 shortly.
Employees and Pensioners shall declare IT through Kalanjiyam Mobile App (or) through kalanjiyam Web Application. For now, Mobile App have a limited option to choose either old regime or new regime for the assessment year 2024-25. However, Kalanjiyam web applications have an extended features to update the tax savings plan and other income details. Please note, once the tax calculation method (old/new regime) is selected for this FY, it cannot be changed in between the same financial year.
Up on user declaration, the system will auto calculate the monthly deductions based on the projected Taxable Income for the assessment year 2024-25 and there will not be any manual entries by DDOs thereafter.
Employees and Pensioners will get an option by December 2024 to upload the proof document for the exemption amount that already declared.
Those who have not declared the IT savings plan before the given cut off date, System will auto consider as New Regime by default and cannot be changed thereafter.
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(родேро░்ро╡ு роЪெроп்род рооுро▒ைропை рооாро▒்ро▒ рооுроЯிропாродு)