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Extending the Last Date for Registration for UG-NEET

 Extending the Last Date for Registration for UG-NEET

ро╡ாроп்рок்рокுроХро│ை рокропрой்рокроЯுрод்родி роХொро│்ро│ுроЩ்роХро│்

ро╡ாроп்рок்рокுроХро│் рооீрог்роЯுроо் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХрок்рокроЯாродு.



ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் роЕроЯ்роЯைропுроЯрой், роЖродாро░் роЗрогைроХ்роХுроо் ро╡ிродிрооுро▒ை ро╡ிро░ைро╡ிро▓் роЕро░роЪாро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯுроо்.....!


ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் роЕроЯைропாро│ роЕроЯ்роЯைропுроЯрой், роЖродாро░் роОрог்рогை роЗрогைроХ்роХுроо் ро╡ிродிрооுро▒ை ро╡ிро░ைро╡ிро▓் роЕро░роЪாро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯுроо் роОрой, роЗрои்родிроп родро▓ைрооை родேро░்родро▓் роХрооிро╖ройро░் роЪுро╖ிро▓் роЪрои்родிро░ா родெро░ிро╡ிрод்родு роЙро│்ро│ாро░்.

роЗрои்родிроп родро▓ைрооை родேро░்родро▓் роЖрогைропро░ாроХ рокродро╡ி ро╡роХிрок்рокро╡ро░், роЪுро╖ிро▓் роЪрои்родிро░ா. роЗро╡ро░родு рокродро╡ிроХ் роХாро▓роо் роиாро│ைропுроЯрой் рооுроЯிро╡роЯைроХிро▒родு. роЗродை роЕроЯுрод்родு, роЗрои்родிроп родро▓ைрооை родேро░்родро▓் роЖрогைропрод்родிрой் рокுродிроп родро▓ைрооை родேро░்родро▓் роЖрогைропро░ாроХ, ро░ாроЬீро╡் роХுрооாро░ை роиிропрооிрод்родு, роХுроЯிропро░роЪுрод் родро▓ைро╡ро░் ро░ாроо்роиாрод் роХோро╡ிрои்род் роЙрод்родро░ро╡ு рокிро▒рок்рокிрод்родு роЙро│்ро│ாро░்.

роиாро│ைропுроЯрой் рокродро╡ிроХ் роХாро▓роо் рооுроЯிро╡роЯைроп роЙро│்ро│ роиிро▓ைропிро▓் роЗрой்ро▒ு, роЪெроп்родிропாро│ро░்роХро│ிроЯроо், роЗрои்родிроп родро▓ைрооை родேро░்родро▓் роХрооிро╖ройро░் роЪுро╖ிро▓் роЪрои்родிро░ா рокேроЪிропродாро╡родு:
роХொро░ோройா родொро▒்ро▒ிрой் рокோродு роЙрод்родро░ рокிро░родேроЪроо் роЙро│்ро│ிроЯ்роЯ роРрои்родு рооாроиிро▓роЩ்роХро│ிро▓் родேро░்родро▓் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокро▓்ро╡ேро▒ு роЗроЯைрод்родேро░்родро▓்роХро│ை роироЯрод்родுро╡родு роХроЯிройрооாрой роЪро╡ாро▓ாроХ роЕрооைрои்родродு. роРрои்родு рооாроиிро▓роЩ்роХро│ிро▓் роХொро░ோройா родроЯுрок்рокூроЪி роЗропроХ்роХрод்родை родீро╡ிро░рок்рокроЯுрод்родிропродро▒்роХு родேро░்родро▓் роЖрогைропрооே рооுроХ்роХிроп роХாро░рогроо்.
роиாрой் родேро░்родро▓் роЖрогைропро░ாроХ роЗро░ுрои்род роХாро▓род்родிро▓் роЗро░рог்роЯு рооுроХ்роХிроп родேро░்родро▓் роЪீро░்родிро░ுрод்родроЩ்роХро│் рооேро▒்роХொро│்ро│рок்рокроЯ்роЯрой. 18 ро╡ропродு роиிро░роо்рокிропро╡ро░்роХро│ை ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░்роХро│ாроХ роЪேро░்рок்рокродро▒்роХு роТро░ு ро╡ро░ுроЯрод்родிро▒்роХு роТро░ு роиாро│் роОрой்рокродро▒்роХு рокродிро▓ாроХ ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░்роХро│ாроХ роЪேро░்рок்рокродро▒்роХு роТро░ு ро╡ро░ுроЯрод்родிро▓் роиாрой்роХு родேродிроХро│ிро▓் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХுродро▓் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓ிро▓் роироХро▓் роЙро│்ро│ீроЯுроХро│ை роЪро░ிрокாро░்роХ்роХ ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓ுроЯрой் роЖродாро░ை роЗрогைрок்рокродு. роЗрои்род роЗро░рог்роЯு рооுроХ்роХிроп родேро░்родро▓் роЪீро░்родிро░ுрод்родроЩ்роХро│் рооேро▒்роХொро│்ро│рок்рокроЯ்роЯрой.

роЗрои்род роЪீро░்родிро░ுрод்родроо் роХроЯрои்род 20 роЖрог்роЯுроХро│ாроХ роиிро▓ுро╡ைропிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родродு. роЕродрой்рокроЯி, роЬройро╡ро░ி 2 роЕро▓்ро▓родு роЕродро▒்роХுрок் рокிро▒роХு 18 ро╡ропродு роиிро▒ைро╡роЯைрои்родро╡ро░்роХро│் ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░்роХро│ாроХрок் рокродிро╡ு роЪெроп்роп роУро░ாрог்роЯு ро╡ро░ை роХாрод்родிро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯிроп роЪூро┤ро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родродு. роЗрок்рокோродு роЗрои்род роЪீро░்родிро░ுрод்родрод்родிрой் рооூро▓роо், роТро░ுро╡ро░் 18 ро╡ропродு роиிро▒ைро╡роЯைропுроо் рокோродு ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓ிро▓் рокெропро░் роЪேро░்рок்рокродро▒்роХு, роТро░ு ро╡ро░ுроЯрод்родிро▓் роиாрой்роХு родேродிроХро│ிро▓் рокродிро╡ு роЪெроп்роп рооுроХாроо் роироЯைрокெро▒ுроо்.

ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓ிро▓் роироХро▓் роЙро│்ро│ீроЯுроХро│ை роЪро░ிрокாро░்роХ்роХ ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓ுроЯрой் роЖродாро░ை роЗрогைрок்рокродாро▓், родேро░்родро▓் роОрок்рокோродு роироЯைрокெро▒ுроо் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░்роХро│ிрой் родொро▓ைрокேроЪி роОрог்роХро│ிро▓் рокூрод் (ро╡ிро╡ро░роЩ்роХро│்) рокோрой்ро▒ роХூроЯுродро▓் роЪேро╡ைроХро│ை роиாроЩ்роХро│் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХ рооுроЯிропுроо். ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் рокроЯ்роЯிропро▓ுроЯрой் (ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░் роРроЯி) роЖродாро░் роЗрогைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ ро╡ிродிрооுро▒ை ро╡ிро░ைро╡ிро▓் роЕро░роЪாро▓் ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯுроо்.

роЗродு родொроЯро░்рокாрой ро╡ро░ைро╡ு рооுрой்рооொро┤ிро╡ுроХро│ை роиாроЩ்роХро│் роПро▒்роХройро╡ே роЕройுрок்рокி роЙро│்ро│ோроо். роЖродாро░் ро╡ிро╡ро░роЩ்роХро│ைрок் рокроХிро░்ро╡родு родрой்ройாро░்ро╡ ро╡ிро░ுрок்рокрооாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо். роЖройாро▓் ро╡ாроХ்роХாро│ро░்роХро│் родроЩ்роХро│родு роЖродாро░் роОрог்рогை роХொроЯுроХ்роХாродродро▒்роХு рокோродுрооாрой родроХுрои்род роХாро░рогрод்родை родெро░ிро╡ிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.
роЗро╡்ро╡ாро▒ு роЕро╡ро░் роХூро▒ிройாро░்.



TNPSC GROUP II рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் IIA Hall ticket ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு.


GROUP II рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் IIA 

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родேро░்ро╡ு роОро┤ுродுрокро╡ро░்роХро│் родேро░்ро╡ிро▓் ро╡ெро▒்ро▒ி рокெро▒ ро╡ாро┤்род்родுроХ்роХро│் 




Entrance Exams(2022) – Engineering, MBA, Law, Medical,Phramacy,Agri etc.


Engineering Entrance Exams

JEE Main 2022

JEE Main examinations is conducted by the NTA (National Testing Agency). Through this examination, students are eligible to get admission to the B.Tech & B.Arch courses. This exam is organized twice every year in national level. On the basis of JEE Main score, students can get to the various NITs, CFTIs, IITs and other institutions of India.

JEE Advanced 2022

JEE Advanced exam is conducted to offer admission into bachelor’s, Integrated master’s & dual degree courses in all the IITs. These courses are offered in the area of engineering, sciences & architecture. It is regulated by the IITs on a rotation basis. Candidates can apply for this exam on a national level. Every year, the examination is organized in the month of May via online mode

GATE 2022

GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is a national level examination. This exam is organized for admission to the masters & doctoral degree courses in engineering, technology, architecture & science. It is conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) & the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

IIT JAM 2022

IIT JAM examination is organized by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) on a rotation basis. It is a national level entrance test. Through this exam, candidates can get admission to the 2 years M.Sc, Joint M.Sc – Ph.D, M.Sc – Ph.D. dual degree & other post-bachelor degree courses.

UPSEE 2022

UPSEE examination is conducted to get admission to the 1st year of pharmacy, architecture, management, etc courses. Through this exam, candidates will also get admission to the 2nd year of engineering, pharmacy & computer application. It is managed by the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University (AKTU), Uttar Pradesh.

BCECE 2022

BCECE (Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination) is regulated by the BCECEB board. BCECE examination is not conducted for engineering & medical courses. Admissions will be done through JEE Main & NEET UG examinations. However, BCECE entrance exam is conducted for agriculture and pharmacy admission.

Assam CEE 2022

Assam CEE is a state level examination. It is conducted by the Assam Science & Technology University (ASTU). Students can get admission to the various engineering courses in Assam state on the basis of this exam score. Assam CEE (Assam Common Entrance Exam) is organized one time in a year.

KEAM 2022

KEAM exam is conducted for those candidates, who seek admission to the engineering courses in Kerala state. It is managed by the Commissioner of Entrance Examination (CEE), Kerala. This exam is a state level entrance test. The authority will also release application for medical & architecture courses.

WBJEE 2022

WBJEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination) is organized by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB). This exam is a state level entrance test. It is conducted for admission to the various UG courses in the area of engineering, pharmacy, technology & architecture.


COMEDK UGET examination is conducted by the COMEDK (Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental of Karnataka). It is organized for candidates, those seeking admission to the engineering courses in Karnataka state. This exam is a state level examination. The authority also invites application for architecture courses on the basis of NATA score.


TS EAMCET examination is organized for providing admission to the engineering, pharmacy & agriculture courses in Telangana state. It is a state level admission test. This test is managed by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad.

CUCET 2022

CUCET (Central Universities Common Entrance Test) is a national level examination. This exam will be organized by the 11 central universities of India on a rotation basis. Through this exam, students can get admission to the various UG, PG & Ph.D courses.


AP EAPCET (Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Agriculture & Pharmacy Common Entrance Test) is regulated by the JNTU, Kakinada on the behalf of APSCHE. This exam is conducted to offer admission into various engineering, agriculture and pharmacy courses. It is a state level entrance test of AP state.

OJEE 2022

OJEE is a state level entrance test organized by the Odisha state government. Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) is conducted for admission to the undergraduate/postgraduate level professional courses. These courses will be offered in the field of engineering, technology, pharmacy, management, etc. The admission into 1st year of UG engineering courses will be done through JEE Main score.


LPU NEST (Lovely Professional University National Entrance and Scholarship Test) is a university level admission test. It is held for providing admission to the various engineering programmes offered by the university. This test is administrated by the Lovely Professional University (LPU), Punjab.

KCET 2022

KCET (Karnataka Common Entrance Test) is also known as Karnataka CET (KCET/Kar CET). It is a state level entrance test. This test is organized by the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA). Through this exam, students will get admission to the various engineering, pharmacy & architecture courses.

JKCET 2022

JKCET is regulated by the Jammu & Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examinations (JKBOPEE). This exam is state level entrance test of Jammu & Kashmir state. It will be organized for providing admission to the engineering (B.Tech/BE only) courses.

CG PET 2022

CG PET examination is organized to offer admission into engineering and its branches (Dairy Technology and Agriculture Engineering) courses. It is a state level examination of Chhattisgarh state. This exam is managed by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CPEB).

CUSAT 2022

CUSAT exam is regulated by the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Kerala. It is conducted for providing admission to the various UG & PG courses in the field of engineering, law, science, computer application, etc. This exam is a university level admission test.


GUJCET examination is conducted to offer admission into various engineering & diploma/degree pharmacy programmes in Gujarat state. This exam is managed by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB). It is a state level entrance test.

GCET 2022

GCET (Goa Common Entrance Test) is administrated by the Directorate of Technical Education, Goa. It is a state level examination of Goa state. This exam is managed for providing admission to the engineering & pharmacy courses. The authority also invites application for medical & architecture courses on the basis of NEET & NATA score respectively.

UKSEE 2022

UKSEE exam is a state level entrance examination of Uttar Pradesh state. It is organized to offer admission into various bachelor’s & master’s degree programmes. These courses are offered in the field of engineering, pharmacy, computer application, etc. This exam is conducted by the Uttarakhand Technical University (UTU).

IISC 2022

IISC Admission Procedure is regulated by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru. The university offer undergraduate, postgraduate, Ph.D & research courses in the field of engineering, technology, science, etc. No examination is organized by the university. The admission into these courses is given on the basis of national level examinations, such as JEE Main, JEE Advanced, GATE, NEET, etc.

IIST 2022

IIST (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology) is a deemed university which runs various UG, PG, doctoral and post-doctoral level programmes. The university regulates a national level admission procedure for providing admission to these courses. The admissions to these courses are done through JEE Advanced, GATE, JEST, UGC NET, etc.

IISER 2022

IISER Admission is done on the basis of KVPY, JEE Advanced & IISER Aptitude Test. It is organized by the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER). The Institution only conducts examination for SCB (State and Central Boards) channel candidate. This process is a national level admission procedure.


TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test) is held to offer admission into PG courses, i.e. ME/M.Tech/M.Arch/M.Plan, MCA & MBA. This exam is managed by the Anna University, Chennai. It is a state level examination of Tamil Nadu state.

TNEA 2022

TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions) is an admission procedure to provide admission into UG engineering courses in Tamil Nadu. This process is regulated by the Anna University, Chennai. The admission to these courses is done through 10+2 examination percentage.

AP ECET 2022

AP ECET (Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test) is managed by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Anantapur. This exam is a state level examination. Candidates can get admission to the various engineering & pharmacy courses on the basis of this exam score. The admission is only open for diploma holders & B.Sc graduates.

TS ECET 2022

TS ECET examination is administrated by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad. It is a state level entrance test. Through this test, candidates can get admission to the 2nd year of engineering & pharmacy courses. Only Diploma holders & B.Sc graduate candidates can apply for this exam.

AEEE 2022

AEEE exam is a university level entrance test. This test is managed by the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University). Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination (AEEE) is held to offer admission to the 4 years duration engineering course, i.e. B.Tech. This course is offered by the university & its three campuses located in Amritapuri, Bengaluru, Ettimadai, and Vengal.

Medical Entrance Exams

NEET 2022

NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test) is a national level medical examination. This entrance test is managed by the NTA (National Testing Agency). On the basis of this exam, candidates get admission into MBBS & BDS courses all over the country. No state or university level medical examinations will be regulated by the state authorities.

AIIMS 2022

From the year 2020, AIIMS examination has been scrapped by NEET UG examination. Admission to the MBBS programme in AIIMS Institutions will be done on the basis of NEET UG scores. Through this exam, the admission is offered in the following AIIMS Institutions, i.e. Bhopal, Guntur, Rishikesh, New Delhi, Nagpur, Patna, Jodhpur, Raipur & Bhubaneshwar.


From 2020 year onwards, JIPMER exam has been replaced by NEET UG exam. Admission into MBBS courses in the JIPMER university & its affiliated campuses will be given through NEET UG scores. It is necessary to appear in NEET UG exam to get admission in JIPMER institutions.

MBA Entrance Exams

CAT 2022-23

CAT (Common Admission Test) is conducted for admission to the PG management course all over the country. It is regulated by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). This test is a national level admission test. It is compulsory to qualify this exam for admission to the IIMs & other reputed management institutions.

MAT 2022

MAT examination is managed by the All India Management Association (AIMA). Through this aptitude test, students can get admission to the MBA/PGDM courses all over the India. It is a national level management aptitude test. This exam is organized four times in a year.

XAT 2022

XAT (Xavier Aptitude Test) is a national level entrance test. This test is conducted by the Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI). It is held for providing admission to the various management programmes. XAT score card is accepted by the more than 150 B-Schools of the country.

CMAT 2022

CMAT examination is organized to offer admission into various management courses, i.e. MBA, PGDM, PGCM, Executive PGDM, etc. Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) is organised by National Testing Agency (NTA).

GMAT 2022

GMAT exam is regulated by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) throughout the year. It is an international level examination. Through this exam, the admission is offered into MBA programme in foreign countries institutions. In India, various institutions also accept GMAT scores.

NMAT 2022

NMAT (NMIMS Management Aptitude Test) is a university level examination. It is organized by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). This exam is held to offer admission into various management courses. On the basis of this exam score, candidates can get admission to the B-schools & other management colleges in India.

ATMA 2022

ATMA examination is conducted for the selection of candidates to MBA, PGDM, PGDBA, MCA & other PG management course. It is a national level single window admission test. ATMA (AIMS Test for Management Admissions) is administrated by the Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS).

IBSAT 2022

IBSAT (ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test) is managed by the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad. This test is organized for providing admission to the PG management courses, i.e. MBA/PGPM. It is a university level examination which offered admission to the various ICFAI business schools.

SNAP 2021-22

Symbiosis National Aptitude Online Test (SNAP) is a university level exam regulated by the Symbiosis International University. Candidates who wants to join programmes like MBA, M.Sc (CA) & M.Sc (SS) etc. offered by various Symbiosis Institutions. After qualifying the test, shortlisted candidates will need to attend the GE-PIWAT process.

IIFT 2022

IIFT exam is a university level admission test. Through this test, candidates can get admission into MBA programme in International Business (IB) at the university. It is regulated by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT). Every year, the examination is organized in the month of December.

KMAT Kerala 2022

KMAT Kerala examination is held to offer admission into MBA programme in Kerala state. Kerala Management Admission Test (KMAT) is organized by the Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU), Kerala. It is a state level admission test through which candidates can get admission in various governments /private colleges of Kerala.

KMAT Karnataka 2022

KMAT (Karnataka Management Aptitude Test) is conducted by the Karnataka Private Post Graduate Colleges Association (KPPGCA). This exam is organized for providing admission to the MBA/PGDM programme. It is a national level examination which is open for all candidates from India & abroad.

Law Entrance Exams

CLAT 2022

CLAT examination is conducted for admission to the integrated LLB & LLM courses all over the country. This exam is regulated by the Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) on a rotation basis. CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) is a national level entrance test. CLAT score card is accepted by the all law institutions located in India.

AILET 2022

AILET (All India Law Entrance Test) is managed by the National Law University (NLU), New Delhi. It is organized to provide admission into various undergraduate & postgraduate law programmes, i.e. BA LLB (Hons.), LLM & Ph.D. This exam is an all India level examination held one time in a year.

AIBE 2022

AIBE examination is a national level admission test. It is organized by the Bar Council of India (BCI). This exam is conducted to examine an advocate’s capability to practice the profession of law in India. AIBE (All India Bar Examination) is held through offline mode. After qualifying this exam, candidates can get “Certificate of Practice” for legal profession.

LSAT 2022

LSAT exam is conducted for providing admission to the various law institutions of India & foreign countries. It is an international level examination. This test is administrated by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), USA. LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is organized only one times in a year.


AP LAWCET (Andhra Pradesh Common Law Entrance Test) is regulated by the Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur. It is a state level examination. Through this exam, the admission is offered into 3 & 5 years law programme in Andhra Pradesh state. AP Lawcet score card is accepted by the top law colleges/institutions.


TS LAWCET is a state level entrance test. This test is organized for providing admission to the various law courses, i.e. 3 years LLB & 5 years LLB course. Telangana State Law common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET) is conducted by the Osmania University, Hyderabad on behalf TSCHE.

MH CET Law 2022

MH CET Law examination is held to offer admission to the 3 years LLB & 5 years’ integrated LLB programme in Maharashtra state. This exam is a state level examination. It is managed by the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra. It is also known as Maharashtra Law CET.

University Level Entrance Exams


BITSAT examination is organized by the Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani. This exam is conducted in a university level. Candidates have to apply for this exam to get admission into integrated first degree courses of BITS campuses. BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology & Science Admission Test) is a computer based online test.


SRMJEE (SRM Joint Engineering Entrance Examination) is held for candidates, those seeking admission to the B.Tech programmes. It is a university level entrance test. This test is administrated by the SRM University. After qualifying this exam, candidates can get admission to the university & its other campuses.


UPESEAT exam is regulated by the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun. On the basis of this exam score, candidates can get admission to B.Tech course in various disciplines. UPESEAT (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Engineering Aptitude Test) is a university level examination. The admission into B.Tech course is also done through JEE Main & board merit.


VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination) is a university level examination. This exam is conducted by the VIT University. It is held for providing admission to the B.Tech course in the university & its campuses. Candidates can appear in this exam only through online mode.

Manipal MET 2022

Manipal MET examination is organized by the Manipal University. Through this examination, candidates can get admission into various UG & PG courses offered by the university. It is consider as a university level aptitude test. Candidates can study these courses in the field of engineering, management, applied science, etc.

PTU Admission 2022

PTU (Punjab Technical University) organizes a university level examination. This exam is only for admission to the MBA, M.Sc (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Food Science & Technology) and MA Journalism courses. The admission into other courses is done through national level examination. For B.Tech course, candidates have to qualify JEE Main examination.

BVP CET 2022

BVP CET exam is conducted to offer admission into various bachelor’s & master’s degree courses. This exam is managed by the Bharati Vidyapeeth University. The university provides these courses in the field of engineering, management, law, pharmacy, etc. It is a university level examination.

Symbiosis SET 2022

Symbiosis International University conducts separate exams for engineering, law, design & other courses. For engineering, candidates have to qualify SIT Engineering Entrance Exam (SITEEE) examination. It is a university level examination. For UG courses admission, SET General exam is organized by the university.

SAAT 2022

SAAT (Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University Admission Test) is managed by the Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University. The university offers various UG & PG courses in the field of engineering, management, law, pharmacy, etc. It is a national level admission test.


KIITEE examination is a university level examination. This exam is conducted by the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar. On the basis of this exam, candidates can get admission to the various undergraduate & postgraduate courses. These courses are offered in the area of engineering, law, management, etc.

AMU 2022

AMU (Aligarh Muslim University) runs a various UG & PG courses in different fields such as engineering, law, science, management, etc. The university organizes a university level examination for admission into these courses. Only Indian & NRI candidates can apply for this exam.


PESSAT exam is conducted to offer admission into various undergraduate & postgraduate courses in the field of engineering, management, computer application, etc. This exam is administrated by the PES University. Candidates can apply for PESSAT (PES Scholastic Aptitude Test) exam in a national level.

IPU CET 2022

IPU CET exam is regulated by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. It is a university level entrance test conducted for admission into various UG & PG courses in various fields. However, admission into engineering courses is given through JEE Main Scores while for MBA admission, CAT Scores are considered. Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test (IPU CET) is organized once in a year.

Delhi University 2022

Delhi University (University of Delhi) is one of the famous universities of India. The university runs various bachelors, masters & doctoral level courses. The admission into these courses is done through entrance test or merit based. For admission to the B.Tech course, candidates have to pass the JEE Main examination.

Lucknow University 2022

Lucknow University organizes a university level admission test to offer admission into various UG, PG & MBA courses. These courses are offered in the field of science, commerce, arts, law, etc. The university also runs B.Tech programme in various specializations. The admission into B.Tech course is done through UPSEE examination score.

JNU Admission 2022

JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) is premier institution which regulates various UG, PG & doctoral degree courses in various fields.  JNUEE (Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination) is conducted by NTA to enroll candidates in various UG / PG courses. For admission into Biotechnology Programmes, JNU CEEB is conducted.

BHU 2022

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) conducts a separate examination for admission to the UG, PG and other courses. The university organizes Undergraduate Entrance Test (UET) for UG and Postgraduate Entrance Test (PET) for PG courses admission. It is a university level examination. Through this entrance exam, candidates can get admission to the university & its affiliated colleges.

Allahabad University 2022

Allahabad University regulates its own admission test to offer admission into various bachelor & masters degree courses. Candidates can pursue these courses in the field of science, arts, commerce, arts, etc. This test is a university level entrance exam. The university organizes separate admission test for UG & PG courses.

Alliance University 2022 Admission

Alliance University organizes a university level examination for admission to the UG, PG & doctoral level programmes. These courses are provided in the field of engineering, law, management, etc. For B.Tech courses, it conducts Alliance University Engineering Entrance Test (AUEET). It is a private university formed in the year 2010.

Banasthali University 2022 Admission

Banasthali University is a women university founded in 1935. The university runs various undergraduate, postgraduate & doctorate level courses in the field of engineering, pharmacy, management, arts, science, etc. No entrance test is managed by the university. The admission is done through qualifying exam merit & aptitude test.

Pharmacy Entrance Exams

GPAT 2022

GPAT (Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test) exam is organized by National Testing Agency (NTA). It is organized to offer admission into M.Pharm course. This exam is a national level entrance test. It is a computer based online test held in the month of January every year.

MH CET 2022

MH CET examination is conducted for admission to the various pharmacy, engineering & technology courses. It is organized by Government of Maharashtra, State Common Entrance Test Cell. Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MH CET) is a state level entrance test of Maharashtra state.

PUCET 2022

PUCET examination is organized for providing admission to the B.Pharmacy and B.Sc (Hons.) courses. It is a university level examination. PUCET (Panjab University Common Entrance Test) is managed by the Panjab University. After qualifying this exam, the admission is offered in the university & its affiliated colleges.

Agriculture Entrance Exams


ICAR AIEEA (All India Entrance Exam) is conducted by National Tesing Agency (NTA). This exam is organized to offer admission into UG & PG courses in agriculture & allied science courses. It is a national level examination. The authority organizes separate tests for UG & PG programmes, i.e. AIEEA UG & AIEEA PG.

OUAT 2022

OUAT examination is a university level examination of Odisha state. It is conducted for providing admission to the UG agriculture courses, i.e. B.Tech (Agriculture Engineering), B.Sc (Hons.) (Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry/Community Science), etc. This exam is regulated by the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar.

MP PAT 2022

MP PAT exam is organized for providing admission to the UG agriculture courses, i.e. B.Tech (Agriculture Engineering) & B.Sc (Agriculture/Forestry/Horticulture). It is a state level examination. This exam is conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board or MP Vyapam.

JET Agriculture 2022

JET Agriculture (Joint Entrance Test) is organized by the Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur. This exam is held to offer admission into B.Tech (Food Technology/Dairy Technology) & B.Sc. Agriculture/Horticulture/Forestry (Honours) courses. It is a state level agriculture exam of Rajasthan state.

JCECE 2022

JCECE examination is conducted for admission to the B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture/Forestry, B.F.Sc (Fisheries Science), B.V.Sc. & A.H. & Homeopathy degree programme. This exam is a state level examination of Jharkhand state. It is regulated by the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB).

Today is Last date-APPLY Common University Entrance Test CUET (UG)-2022 for Under Graduate Programmes in Central Universities for the Academic Session 2022-23

 Conduct of the Common University Entrance Test CUET (UG)-2022 for Under

Graduate Programmes in Central Universities for the Academic Session 2022-23

The CUET (UG) - 2022 will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) Mode.




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B.Ed, DTEd роЗро▒ுродி роЖрог்роЯு рокроЯிрок்рокро╡ро░்роХро│ுроо் TET роОро┤ுродро▓ாроо்

 роЖроЪிро░ிропро░் родேро░்ро╡ு ро╡ாро░ிропрод்родாро▓் 2022 роЖроо் роЖрог்роЯிро▒்роХாрой роЖроЪிро░ிропро░் родроХுродிрод் родேро░்ро╡ு роЕро▒ிро╡ிроХ்роХை 07.03.2022 роЕрой்ро▒ு ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯு , ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокроЩ்роХро│் роЗрогைроп родро│роо் ро╡ாропிро▓ாроХ 14.03.2022 рооுродро▓் рокெро▒рок்рокроЯ்роЯு ро╡ро░ுроХிро▒родு.ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокроЩ்роХро│் рокெро▒ роХроЯைроЪி родேродி 13.04.2022 роЖроХுроо் . роЖроЪிро░ிропро░் родроХுродிрод் родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХாрой роЕро▒ிро╡ிроХ்роХைропிро▓் рокроХ்роХроо் роОрог் 4 , ро╡ро░ிроЪை роОрог் 3 ( b ) ропிро▓் роЖроЪிро░ிропро░் родроХுродிрод் родேро░்ро╡ு родாро│் 2 роХ்роХாрой роХро▓்ро╡ிрод் родроХுродிроХро│் роХுро▒ிрод்родாрой ро╡ро░ைропро░ைропிро▓் рокроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯிрок்рокு рооுроЯிрод்родு рокி.роОроЯ் роЗро▒ுродிропாрог்роЯு рокроЯிрод்родுроХ் роХொрог்роЯிро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рооாрогро╡ро░்роХро│் Bonafide Certificate- ройை роЕроЯிрок்рокроЯைропாроХроХ் роХொрог்роЯு ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХ Online ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокрод்родிро▓் ро╡ро┤ிро╡роХை роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு.

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