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Applications are invited from eligible candidates through Online Mode for Admission to the  5 Years Integrated Law Degree Courses for the Academic Year 2023-2024.

1.Courses offered in the School of Excellence in Law, The Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University, 

Perungudi Campus, Dr. M.G.R. Salai, Near MRTS Tharamani Railway Station, Chennai -113


5 Years Integrated Honours

Law Degree Courses:

1) B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) Degree Course

2) B.B.A.LL.B.(Hons.) Degree Course

3) B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.) Degree Course

4) B.C.A.LL.B.(Hons.) Degree Co

Qualifying Examination: 

HSC / CBSE / ISC / 3 Year Diploma / Polytechnic

(Completed in recognized educational intuition ase equivalent thereto are eligible).

Candidates aspiring to apply for B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)

must have studied Commerce or Equivalent Subject

related to Commerce alone and candidates aspiring

to apply for B.C.A.LL.B.(Hons.) must have studied

Computer Science or Equivalent subject related to computer Science alone as a subject in the Higher secondary Examination.

Minimum Eligible Marks:



2.Course offered in the Affiliated Government Law Colleges in Tamil Nadu (Government & Private):

5 Year B.A.LL.B. Degree Course

Qualifying Examination: 

HSC / CBSE / ISC / 3 Year Diploma / Polytechnic

(Completed in recognized educational intuition as equivalent thereto are eligible)

Minimum Eligible Marks:



Application Processing Fee

1.Courses(offered in the School of Excellence in Law)

SC/ST Applicants : Rs.500/-

Others :Rs.1000/-

[Candidates seeking admission under NRI Quota (Only for Hons. Courses) For which applicants have to pay US $ 200 through Demand Draft in favour of “The Registrar”.

2.Courses(Offered in the Affiliated Law Collegesin Tamil Nadu)

SC/ST Applicants : Rs.250/-

Others : Rs.500/.

Submission of Application through

Online Mode only

Date of opening :15.05.2023

Date of closing :31.05.2023.

Online Application And  Prospectus





NATA-(B.Arch) ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокрок் рокродிро╡ு рокிрок்ро░ро╡ро░ி 1-роо் родேродி родொроЯроЩ்роХுроХிро▒родு.


National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is being conducted by COA since 2006, to qualify for the admission to Bachelor of Architecture. The Council has prescribed CoA (Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 1983 and in the year 2020 the Council has prescribed the Council of Architecture (Minimum Standards of Architectural Education) Regulations, 2020, with the approval of the Central Government in terms of Sections 21 & 45 of the Architects Act, 1972. 

These Regulations prescribe that the candidate needs to qualify an Aptitude Test in Architecture conducted either by NTA (i.e., JEE) or NATA conducted by the Council for admission to the 

Architecture degree course.

The actual admissions shall be carried out only by the concerned competent authorities of the respective States / UT’s etc., Institutions based on valid NATA score and eligibility criteria prescribed by CoA and concerned authorities. 

Unlike any other entrance examination, NATA is an Aptitude test that assesses a candidate’s ability through a variety of testing formats.

NATA measures the aptitude of the applicant for specific field of study, i.e., Architecture, through assessment of cognitive skills, visual perception and aesthetic sensitivity tests, logical reasoning and critical thinking ability, etc., besides the learning that the candidate has acquired over the past years.

With the objective of giving opportunities to a greater number of bright aspirants to join Architecture, Council will be conducting NATA-2024 for admission to B.Arch., in the academic year 2024 - 2025 on all weekends in two sessions starting from April to July, 2024.

рокி.роЖро░்роХ். роиுро┤ைро╡ுрод் родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХு рокிрок்ро░ро╡ро░ி 1 рооுродро▓் роЖрой்ро▓ைройிро▓் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХро▓ாроо் роОрой роород்родிроп роЖро░்роХ்роХிроЯெроХ்роЪро░் роХро╡ுрой்роЪிро▓் роЕро▒ிро╡ிрод்родுро│்ро│родு.

рокி.роЖро░்роХ். роОройрок்рокроЯுроо் роЗро│роиிро▓ை роХроЯ்роЯிроЯроХ்роХро▓ை рокроЯிрок்рокு, роРрои்родாрог்роЯு рокроЯிрок்рокாроХுроо். роЗродிро▓் роЪேро░ ро╡ிро░ுроо்рокுро╡ோро░் 'роиாроЯ்роЯா' роиுро┤ைро╡ுрод் родேро░்ро╡ு роОройрок்рокроЯுроо் родேроЪிроп роХроЯ்роЯிроЯроХ்роХро▓ை родிро▒ройро▒ி родேро░்ро╡ிро▓் родேро░்роЪ்роЪி рокெро▒ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо். роЗрод்родேро░்ро╡ை роород்родிроп роЖро░்роХ்роХிроЯெроХ்роЪро░் роХро╡ுрой்роЪிро▓் роироЯрод்родுроХிро▒родு. роЗрои்роиிро▓ைропிро▓், ро╡ро░ுроо் роХро▓்ро╡ி роЖрог்роЯு (2024-25) рокிроЖро░்роХ் роиுро┤ை ро╡ுрод் родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХாрой роЕро▒ிро╡ிрок்рокு ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு

роород்родிроп роЖро░்роХ்роХிроЯெроХ்роЪро░் роХро╡ுрой்роЪிро▓் рокродிро╡ாро│ро░் ро╡ெро│ிропிроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│ роЕро▒ிро╡ிрок்рокிро▓், ‘2024-25 роХро▓்ро╡ி роЖрог்роЯுроХ்роХாрой 'роиாроЯ்роЯா' роиுро┤ைро╡ுрод் родேро░்ро╡ு, роЕроЯுрод்род роЖрог்роЯு роПрок்ро░ро▓் рооுродро▓் роЬூро▓ை ро╡ро░ை роЕройைрод்родு роЪройி, роЮாропிро▒்ро▒ுроХ்роХிро┤рооைроХро│ிро▓் роироЯрод்родрок்рокроЯ роЙро│்ро│родு. роЗрод்родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХாрой роЖрой்ро▓ைрой் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокрок் рокродிро╡ு рокிрок்ро░ро╡ро░ி 1-роо் родேродி родொроЯроЩ்роХுроХிро▒родு. роиுро┤ைро╡ுрод் родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХாрой роХро▓்ро╡ிрод்родроХுродி, рокாроЯрод்родிроЯ்роЯроо், роЖрой்ро▓ைрой் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рок рокродிро╡ு рооுро▒ை роЙро│்ро│ிроЯ்роЯ ро╡ிро╡ро░роЩ்роХро│ை рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роОрой்ро▒роЗрогைропродро│род்родிро▓் роЕро▒ிрои்родுроХொро│்ро│ро▓ாроо்’ роОрой роХூро▒рок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு.

рооேро▓ுроо் ро╡ிрокро░роЩ்роХро│ுроХ்роХு



12 Std , Maths , Minimum Learning Material , T/M, Villupuram District. By. Dr.Thirumurugan and Team

 12 Std
 Minimum Learning Material 
 Villupuram District.

 By. Dr.Thirumurugan and Team


  ЁЯСЙClick HereЁЯСИ

Thank u Dr.Thirumurugan Sir



(CLAT) Common Law Admission Test SYLLABUS

 The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is a national level entrance exam for admissions to undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) law programmes offered by 22 National Law Universities around the country.

CLAT is organized by the Consortium of National Law Universities consisting of the representative universities.

UG Eligibility

  1. There will be no upper age limit for UG Programme in CLAT 
  2. As regards minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2 or an equivalent examination), the candidates must have secured:
    1. Forty five percent (45%) marks or its equivalent grade in case of candidates belonging to General / OBC / PWD / NRI / PIO / OCI categories
    2. Forty Percent (40%) marks or equivalent in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
  3. Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April,  are also eligible to appear in CLAT  examination. However, they shall be required to produce an evidence of their passing the qualifying examination at the time of admission, failing which they shall lose their right to be considered for admission.
  4. The result of the qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2) shall be submitted by the candidate at the time of admission failing which the candidate shall be ineligible for admission to the Course.
  5. In case of equal marks, the break of tie shall be by the following procedure and order as under:
    1. Higher marks in the component / section on legal aptitude in the CLAT  exam;
    2. Higher age;
    3. Computerised draw of lots.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UG Syllabus & Guide
    4. Introduction and Overview
    5. The UG-CLAT  would focus on evaluating the comprehension and reasoning skills and abilities of candidates. Overall, it is designed to be a test of aptitude and skills that are necessary for a legal education rather than prior knowledge, though prior knowledge occasionally may be useful to respond to questions in the Current Affairs section.

      The UG-CLAT  shall be a 2-hour test, with 150 multiple-choice questions carrying 1 mark each. There shall be negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. These questions would be divided across the following 5 subjects:

      • English Language
      • Current Affairs, including General Knowledge
      • Legal Reasoning
      • Logical Reasoning
      • Quantitative Techniques

      English Language

      In this section of the UG-CLAT , you will be provided passages of about 450 words each. These passages will be derived from contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing, and would be of a standard that a 12th standard student may be able to read in about 5-7 minutes.

      Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your comprehension and language skills, including your abilities to:

      • Read and comprehend the main point discussed in the passage, as well as any arguments and viewpoints discussed or set out in the passage;
      • Draw inferences and conclusions based on the passage;
      • Summarise the passage;
      • Compare and contrast the different arguments or viewpoints set out in the passage; and
      • Understand the meaning of various words and phrases used in the passage.

      Current Affairs Including General Knowledge

      In this section, you will be provided passages of up to 450 words each. The passages will be derived from news, journalistic sources and other non-fiction writing. The questions may include an examination of legal information or knowledge discussed in or related to the passage, but would not require any additional knowledge of the law beyond the passage.

      Each passage will be followed by a series of questions that will require you to demonstrate your awareness of various aspects of current affairs and general knowledge, including:

      • Contemporary events of significance from India and the world;
      • Arts and culture;
      • International affairs; and
      • Historical events of continuing significance.

      Legal Reasoning

      In this section, you will be expected to read passages of around 450 words each. The passages may relate to fact situations or scenarios involving legal matters, public policy questions or moral philosophical enquiries. You will not require any prior knowledge of law. You will benefit from a general awareness of contemporary legal and moral issues to better apply general principles or propositions to the given fact scenarios.

      Each passage would be followed by a series of questions that will require you to:

      • Identify and infer the rules and principles set out in the passage;
      • Apply such rules and principles to various fact situations; and
      • Understand how changes to the rules or principles may alter their application to various fact situations.

      Logical Reasoning

      The Logical Reasoning section of the UG-CLAT  will include a series of short passages of about 300 words each. Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to:

      • Recognize an argument, its premises and conclusions;
      • Read and identify the arguments set out in the passage;
      • Critically analyse patterns of reasoning, and assess how conclusions may depend on particular premises or evidence;
      • Infer what follows from the passage and apply these inferences to new situations;
      • Draw relationships and analogies, identify contradictions and equivalence, and assess the effectiveness of arguments.

      Quantitative Techniques

      The Quantitative Techniques section of the UG-CLAT  will include short sets of facts or propositions, graphs, or other textual, pictorial or diagrammatic representations of numerical information, followed by a series of questions. You will be required to derive information from such passages, graphs, or other representations, and apply mathematical operations on such information.

      The questions will require you to:

      • Derive, infer, and manipulate numerical information set out in such passages, graphs, or other representations; and
      • Apply various 10th standard mathematical operations on such information, including from areas such as ratios and proportions, basic algebra, mensuration and statistical estimation.

      Preparing for the UG-CLAT 

      The Consortium plans to publish various preparatory materials for the UG-CLAT , including:

      • Guides to the question paper and sample questions;
      • Model question papers; and
      • Instructional materials and exercises for each of the subjects that the UG-CLAT  comprises.

      The Consortium will also provide candidates who have successfully completed their application to the UG-CLAT  access to a learning platform where you may access the preparatory materials described above, as well as your scores on various exercises and model question papers.

      In addition, you should develop your capacity to read and understand bodies of text, ensure you stay abreast of news and current affairs by regularly reading quality newspapers and periodicals, and improve your speed of answering questions on quantitative techniques by practising with materials such as 10th standard mathematics textbooks.









Minimum Educational Qualification:

For admission to the examination, a candidate must have –

(a) obtained a degree in Engineering from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India

or other Educational Institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as Universities under Section 3

of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956; or

(b) passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); or

(c) obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from such foreign University/College/Institution and under such awwalconditions as may be recognised by the Government for the purpose from time to time, or

(d) passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India);


(e) passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India; or

(f) passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held After November, 1959

Age Limits:

A candidate for this examination must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st January, 2024 


More info ЁЯСЙ Click Here






SSC -CGL- 2022 родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХு роЖрой்ро▓ைрой் рооூро▓роо் 23 роЬройро╡ро░ி ро╡ро░ை ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХро▓ாроо் .


 рокрогிропாро│ро░் родேро░்ро╡ாрогைропроо் (SSC), роироЯрод்родுроо் роТро░ுроЩ்роХிрогைрои்род рокроЯ்роЯродாро░ி роиிро▓ை родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХாрой (SSC CGL 2021-22) роЖрой்ро▓ைрой் рокродிро╡ு роЗрой்ро▒ு рооுродро▓் родொроЯроЩ்роХுроХிро▒родு. SSC CGL 2022 родேро░்ро╡ு рокро▓்ро╡ேро▒ு роЕрооைроЪ்роЪроХроЩ்роХро│்/ родுро▒ைроХро│்/ роиிро▒ுро╡ройроЩ்роХро│ிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ рокро▓்ро╡ேро▒ு роХுро░ூрок் ‘рокி’ рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роХுро░ூрок் ‘роЪி’ рокродро╡ிроХро│ை роиிро░рок்рокுро╡родро▒்роХாроХ роироЯрод்родрок்рокроЯுроо். CGL роЕроЯுроХ்роХு 1 родேро░்ро╡ு роПрок்ро░ро▓் 2022 роЗро▓் роироЯைрокெро▒ுроо். ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокродாро░ро░்роХро│் SSC роЗрой் роЕродிроХாро░рок்рокூро░்ро╡ ро╡ро▓ைрод்родро│рооாрой роРрок் рокாро░்ро╡ைропிроЯுро╡родрой் рооூро▓роо் роЖрой்ро▓ைройிро▓் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХро▓ாроо்.

SC CGL родேро░்ро╡ு роХрогிройி роЕроЯிрок்рокроЯைропிро▓ாройродாроХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо். роиீроЩ்роХро│் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХ роТро░ு рооாродроо் роХாро▓ роЕро╡роХாроЪроо் ро╡ро┤роЩ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯுро│்ро│родு. SSC CGL родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХு ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХ роХроЯைроЪி родேродி роЬройро╡ро░ி 23, 2022 роЖроХுроо். 

родேро╡ைропாрой роЖро╡рогроЩ்роХро│்:

- рокрод்родு рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் 12 роЖроо் ро╡роХுрок்рокு роородிрок்рокெрог் роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤்.

- рокроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯிрок்рокு роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் роородிрок்рокெрог் роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤்.
- роЪாродி роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤்.
- PWD роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤்.
- рокாро╕்рокோро░்роЯ் роЕро│ро╡ு рокுроХைрок்рокроЯроо்.
- ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокродாро░ிрой் роХைропொрок்рок рокுроХைрок்рокроЯроо்.
- роЖродாро░் роЕро▓்ро▓родு роЕроЯைропாро│роЪ் роЪாрой்ро▒ு, роЖроХிропро╡ро▒்ро▒ிрой் роироХро▓்роХро│ை роЖрой்ро▓ைройிро▓் роЪрооро░்рок்рокிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо்.

SSC CGL роЖроЯ்роЪேро░்рок்рокு родேро░்ро╡ுроХ்роХு родроХுродி рокெро▒, ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокродாро░ро░்роХро│் роПродேройுроо் роТро░ு рокாроЯрод்родிро▓் рокроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯிрок்рокிро▓் родேро░்роЪ்роЪி рокெро▒்ро▒ிро░ுроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо். родро▒்рокோродு рокроЯ்роЯрок்рокроЯிрок்рокு роЗро▒ுродிропாрог்роЯு рокроЯிроХ்роХுроо் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокродாро░ро░்роХро│ுроо் ро╡ிрог்рогрок்рокிроХ்роХро▓ாроо்.

SSC CGL exam 2022: Important dates

  • Dates for submission of online applications: 23-12-2021 to 23-01-2022
  • Last date and time for receipt of online applications: 23-01-2022 (23:30)
  • Last date and time for making online fee payment: 25-01-2022 (23:30)
  • Last date and time for generation of offline Challan: 26-01-2022 (23:30)
  • Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 27-01-2022
  • Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment: 28-01-2022 to 01-02-2022 (23:30)
  • Schedule of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I): April 2022
  • Dates of Tier-II Examination (CBE) & Descriptive Paper (Tier-III) To be notified later 

The application fee is Rs 100/-. Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of the fee.

Essential Educational Qualifications (As on 23-01-2022):

  1. Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer: Essential Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.  Desirable Qualifications: Chartered Accountant or Cost & Management Accountant or Company Secretary or Masters in Commerce or Masters in Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or Masters in Business Economics.  During the period of probation direct recruits shall have to qualify the “Subordinate Audit/ Accounts Service Examination” in respective branches for confirmation and regular appointment as Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer.
  2. Junior Statistical Officer : Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level; Or Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.
  3. Statistical Investigator Grade-II:  Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects from a recognized University or Institute. The candidates must have 10 studied Statistics as a subject in all the three years or all the 6 semesters of the graduation course.
  4. Assistant in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT):  Essential Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute. Desirable Qualifications: Degree in law from a recognized university.
  5. Research Assistant in National Human Rights Commission (NHRC):  Essential Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute. Desirable Qualifications: 1 Minimum one-year research experience in any recognized university or recognized Research Institution; 2 Degree in Law or Human Rights from a recognized university.
  6. All other Posts: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.



                            ЁЯСЙInstructuion to Uploading


CDS-UPSC a Review

 CDS Full Form: CDS stands for Combined Defence Services. The Indian Army exemplifies the highest values that India stands for as a country. From the icy landscapes of Siachen to the arid deserts of Rajasthan, the Indian Army serves as a shield for over a billion people in our country, protecting us from all types of external threats that continue to haunt the Indian borders.

CDS is one method of becoming an officer in the army. The exam is given twice a year, and those who pass are invited to the SSB interview. 

The central govt created this exam to assign jobs in the Indian Armed Forces. For recruitment to the IMA (Indian Military Academy), OTA (Officers Training Academy), INA (Indian Naval Academy), and IAF (Indian Air Force Academy), the Combined Defence Services Examination is held. The minimum educational qualification needed to sit for this exam is graduation from an Indian university.

Chief of Defence Staff is another full form of CDS. The position of Chief of Defence Staff is that of a professional service chief, the head of the Indian Armed Forces. The Chief of Defence Staff is the Govt. of India's senior-most uniformed military adviser.

CDS Overview

  • Examination Name: Combined Defence Service
  • Commonly recognized as UPSC CDS Exam
  • Frequency of the examination: Twice a year
  • Exam conducted by the body: UPSC (Union Public Service Commission)
  • Stages of the Examination: Written Exam
  • SSB Interview: Medical Examination
  • Official Website:

CDS Roles & Responsibilities

  • If you are chosen for one of the armed forces, you are set for the rest of your life.
  • Aside from pay, perks, and a pension, you also receive many benefits that are not available in a private job.
  • Depending on which branch of the armed forces you join, your job may be difficult.
  • Your job can be very demanding and disciplined, so you must prepare for it.
  • Candidates who successfully complete Combined Defence Services training and are promoted to the rank of the designated officer will be entitled to the rank's pay and allowances.

CDS Age Limit

The age limit for the CDS Exam is listed below.

  • Indian Military Academy (IMA): 19 to 24 years
  • Indian Air Force Academy (IAF): 19 to 24 years
  • Indian Naval Academy (INA): 19 to 24 years
  • Officers Training Academy (OTA): 19 to 25 years. 

CDS Educational Qualification

The educational requirements for the CDS Exam are listed below.

  • For Indian Military Academy (IMA) & Officers’ Training Academy (OTA): Degree from a recognized University or equivalent
  • For Indian Naval Academy (INA): Degree in Engineering or Engg. from a recognized University or equivalent
  • For Indian Air Force Academy (IAF): Degree of a recognized University (with that of the Physics & Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering. 

CDS Physical Standards

Aspirants must be physically fit as per the physical standards criteria outlined in the UPSC's official advertisement.

CDS Examination Pattern

  • Stages of Examination: Written exam & SSB Interview
  • Mode of examination: Offline or Pen & paper-based
  • Subjects:
    • In English Section: 120 questions
    • In General Knowledge Section: 120 questions
    • In Elementary Mathematics Section: 100 questions
  • Examination Duration: Two hrs. allotted for each paper
  • Number of Questions:
    • 340 MCQs or Objective types of questions for IMA, INA, and AFA
    • 240 MCQs in case of OTA
  • Language of paper: English and Hindi. 

What after clearing the CDS Written Exam?

  • After passing the CDS written examination, the next step is the SSB, which is held after a month or two (depending upon the academy you are applying for).
  • The SSB is a five-day process (six days for the air force because they conduct PABT) in which they will determine whether you are appropriate for the forces, i.e. whether you have officer-like qualities.
  • Once you have been recommended by the SSB board, the next step is medicals, which are performed by army doctors at the army hospital.
  • After the hospital's medical board has declared you medically fit, you must clear an all-in-merit list based on your written and SSB total marks.
  • If your name appears on the merit list, you will be given joining instructions as well as asked to report to the applied academy on a specific date with the necessary documents.
  • Then you'll go through a rigorous training programme that will polish you into the best version of yourself. 



ADMISSION Open PHARM.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) DEGREE COURSE, Last Date : 26--07--2023



The Online submission of Application form for admission to Pharm.D Degree Course for 2023-2024 session in Government seats in Self-Financing Colleges affiliated to The TamilnaduDr. M.G.R Medical University can be accessed from the following websites.



a) Pharm D: The duration of the course shall be six academic years( 5 years of study and one year of intership or residency)

b) Pharm D. (Post Baccalaureate):- This is a postgraduate entry course to the 4thYear of the Pharm D. Course and the student should undergo the Pharm D. Post Baccalaureate programme for three academic years (fourth, fifth and Sixth Years of the Pharm D. Programme) (Two Years of academic study and one year of intership or residency)


AGE LIMIT :–Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st December 2023.



Candidates should have passed in all the subjects of the qualifying Examination of the HigherSecondary Course conducted by the Tamil Nadu State Board or any other Equivalent Board in the following group of subjects with minimum eligible marks.

a) A pass in 10, +2 examination with physics and chemistry as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects:

 Mathematics or Biology.

Note : Candidates who have completed D.Pharm Courses can apply for Pharm.D, however their admission will be considered based on their marks in the H.Sc exam and the duration for them in Pharm.D course will be six years.

Pharm D. (POST BACCALAUREATE) COURSE:-(GRADUATE ENTRY LEVEL) A pass in B.Pharm from an institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India under Section12 of the Pharmacy Act.


Last date for submitting the online application : 26-07- 2023 upto 05.00 P.M.


Apply OnlineЁЯСЙ



CA Vs ACCA родெро░ிроЮ்роХ்роХிроХ்роХோро╡ோрооா!


What is ACCA? Course Details, Fees, Syllabus & Eligibility Criteria. 

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants popularly know as ACCA is a globally recognised course with over 200,000 members and 600,000 students across 180+ countries. The ACCA qualification is considered the largest professional accounting qualification in the world.

ACCA course is one of the most prestigious certifications in accounting and is preferred by many students who want to build a successful career abroad.

In India, ACCA is said to be equivalent to CA and ACC родродA professionals are hired at the same salary in most companies such as PwC, KPMG, Deloitte, EY, Grant Thornton, and BDO.

ACCA Eligibility Criteria

  • ACCA Course Eligibility: To be eligible to register for ACCA qualification, students should have qualified their 10+2 examinations with an aggregate of 65% in Mathematics / Accounts and English, and a minimum of 50% in other subjects. 
  • Students who have just cleared their class 10 examinations, or do not qualify as per the aforementioned criteria, can still register for the ACCA Course via Foundation in Accountancy (FIA) route.

Knowledge Level

  • Accountant in Business (AB)
  • Management Accounting (MA)
  • Financial Accounting (FA)

Skill Level

  • Corporate and Business Law (LW)
  • Performance Management (PM)
  • Taxation (TX)
  • Financial Reporting (FR)
  • Audit and Assurance (AA)
  • Financial Management (FM)

Professional Level 


  • Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)
  • Strategic Business Leader (SBL)

Optional (2 of 4)

  • Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
  • Advanced Performance Management (APM)
  • Advanced Taxation (ATX)
  • Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
Several students have asked us questions regarding the differences between CA and ACCA. Here are some of the factors to consider before you choose one between the two.

Difference between CA & ACCA

Differentiators CAACCA
Signing authority in IndiaYesNo
Signing authority overseasNoYes
Recognition in India & overseasIndiaIndia & Overseas
Time taken for full course5 years2.5 years
Exam patternGroup systemOne paper at a time
Frequency of attempts6 monthly3 monthly
Salary packages₹5 – 8 lacs p.a.₹5 – 8 lacs p.a.
Companies hiringAll companiesBig 4, MNCs
Countries recognisedIndia180+ countries

For More Details